Martin was born on January 15th 1929 in Atlanta (Georgea).Martin couldn't sit down next to his friends because he was black. These were the laws of the south.Martin wanted to do a better world respecting to the black people.Martin did not understand why black people do not have the some rights as white people.Martin became a religious shepherd in 1947. He had a dream : It was that black people have the some rights as white people.
Martin was born on January 15th 1929.
Martin becames a religious shepherd in 1947.
Martin married Coreta Scott on 18th June in 1953.
Mrtin began lo preach in Montgomery (Alabama) in 1954.
Martin directed the civil rights March is Wasinghton on August in 1963.
Martin was murdered on April 4th in 1968.
By: Diego Valenciano López and Rosa María Díaz Novillo.