Friday, June 3, 2011

My favourite animal

 It was a prehistory tiger.
It was about 2'6 metres long
It lived in America.
It was yellow.
It used weight 350 Kg.
It was a carnivore

The tiger is about 100 cm tall.
It lives in Asia.
It's orange and black.
It's a carnivore.
It can weigh 227 metres long.
By Rodrigo.

My favourite animal

My favorite animal is the turtle:
It lives in the ocean.
It is green.
It likes eating meat.


My fauvorite animal is the bear. This is a big animal. It is 2.5 metres tall and 3 metres long.
It lives in Africa and Asia. This is an omnivore. It likes eating meat and plants.
The bear is brown.It's got a four short legs. It's bigger than a car.

My favourite animal

It is 5 metres long and it can weight 1000kg.
It lives in Africa,Madagascar,Indian Ocean islands.
It is bigger than a mouse.
It's got a small mouth.
It likes insects,fish and mollucs.

It was a prehistory crocodrile.
It was 9 tons and it was from 8 to 15 metres long.
It lived in Montana and Texas.
It was bigger than a Koala.
It had four green short legs.
It liked dinosaurus.


My favourite animal

A palaeocaster was a prehistoric castor
It was 25cm long
It lived in U.S.A

It had a short tail
It was a herbivore
The castor is 120cm long
It lives in North America
It´s got big tail , small ears and eye
It is herbivore