Being a mechanic is fun. Many tools are used as a saw, a meter, a drill, an english key, a screwdriver, pliers , hammers, nuts, screw....Mechanics are fun,but it is a expensive work.There are a lot of tools but they worth a lot.
I'vechosenthis work because it is curious, because it shows methatthe copscan dosomething thathelps us.The copsoncesaved my life. By José Ángel Serrano Pedroche.
My favourite job is working as a cook, because it is funny and not a diffilcult job. There are many foods: salad, rice, chicken... I like this job. :-D
When I'm older I want to be a teacher.I love teaching to children.I love school.I love children.My favourite subjets are Physical Education,Maths,Art and Music,but I hate Science,Geography or History.I like my teachers because my teachers are very good.
When I´m older I want to be a teacher because it is very funny. I love children because they are small. My favourite job is working as a teacher because I like scolding children. Children go to the school. They are happy.
My favourite job is working as a vet because I like animals. This job is not very easy and is not funny because the life of animals is sometimes in danger. It's my favourite job because I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!.
AlthoughI will not be a vetbecause I'm scared of theblood
When I'm older I want to be a teacher because I like children.
The job is very fun because you can play with boys and girls. The job is hard because you must check a lot of exercise. Being a teacher is a very dificult job. My favourite subjet is Maths.
When I'm older I want to be a teacher because I like this job. I like this job because we work with children. Teacher teach us things about studies and living. The workplace of teachers is the school. I love this job.
By Javier.
When I'm older I want to be a teacher , because I like to order and scold to children. Being a teacher is very nice because they teach many children and I've chosen it because I like doing the same. All teacher are very smart and inteligent.
Being a teacher is very difficult.I like being a teacher because I like scolding to children. Teachers teach things to us, they want that our lifes are better. I like being teacher because all teachers are very smart and inteligent.
By Raúl
When I'm older.I want to be a vet because I like animals.My favourite animals are dogs, bulls, pigs and fish.It's beautiful because you can help animals and treat animals and give animal cookies to them.
By Diego R.
When I'm older. I want to be a vet because I love animals. My favourite animals are dogs, horses and lions. It It's very beautifuul because I can help the animals, put a vaccine, treat animals and give animals cookies to animals. They are happy.
By Carolina
When I´m older I want to be a teacher because I like teaching, I like the school, I like writing because I love imaging stories,I like Science because I love animals and plants and my mother and my father are teachers.
By Rodrigo
When I'm older Iwant tobe a vetbecacuse I want to saveanimals.
Vet is a very beautiful job because you can help the animals in the operations, you can put vaccines, you can give cookies to the animals... but is some disgusting because you see all parts of the body of the animals: the heart, the lungs, the bones of the legs...